A drama ensued at Madogo Police Station when armed prison waders stormed the station demanding the Release of Peter Naibei who had been arrested for contravening curfew orders.
The prison waders from Iftin Medium prison on board GKB 531U came to Madogo Police station aboard GKB 531U with intent to rescue Peter Naibei who turned violent after being arrested.
Sources indicated that Naibei assaulted two police officers, PC peter wanjohi who sustained injuries on his right hand palm and elbow after being strangled and pushed to the ground and Pc peter Kimani who sustained injuries on his lower and upper lip and his right index finger.
A contingent of eight officers in uniform led by inspector Mwema stormed the station and armed corked their rifles demanding the immediate release of their colleague. The inspector demanded and tried to grab the Occurrence Book (OB) but the report office personnel prevented him from taking the OB and told him to get out of the report office.
Commotion ensued and Sgt Juma maloba who was present raised an alarm and officers responded swiftly. One of the prison waders fired one round so as to scare the rescue team who were answering the distress call.
The OCS Madogo Police station who had also arrived calmed the situation despite the prison officers being unruly. They then left the station .
No injury was reported.