Nyando Parliamentary aspirant Hon Willis Orowe Jakobura is in mourning following the sudden death of his father, Mzee Joseph Orowe
Speaking to Kisasa News on phone this morning Hon Jakobura expressed disbelief at his father’s sudden death which occurred on wee hours of Monday morning.
“By last evening (Sunday) my father did not complain of any illness until morning at 3am when Mzee started complaining of difficulty in breathing.” said Hon Orowe
“I received a call at 5am that Mzee passed away peacefully where he was seated” He added
However, the cause of death is yet to be known. Condolences messages continue pouring in for the leader, his family and Konyango Nyakech clan in Masogo village, Kobura ward, Kadibo division Nyando sub county.
May Lord Rest Mzee Orowe’s Soul In Eternal Peace