Amboo villagers in Nduru Beach are appealing for an urgent help from Kisumu County following an uprising water waves from the Lake popularly known as ‘Sieche’
The village has been submerged by water waves from the Lake causing destruction to both houses and roads in the area.
Nyando Sub-County Beach Management Unit Network chairman Mr John Ngadi Odera is appealing to county government to construct water canals and Dykes to block the back flow of water from the Lake, adding that this would protect the Oseth
Mr Ngadi lamented that most beaches along Nyando Sub-County have been destroyed due to water waves and heavy rains that have been pounding the country. This has caused avoidable loses to fishermen in the market, as they are not able to transport fresh fish in time.
His sentiments were echoed by the Nduru Beach assistant chairman Mr Odhiambo Gunja.
Gunjra added that due to poor state of Korowe-Nyangande and Rabuor-Nyangande roads, fishermen using the roads have incurred avoidable loses in the market, as they are not able to transport fresh fish in time.
Meanwhile, Kabonyo Nduru residents in Kisumu County are crying foul over the poor state of the Rabuor-Nyangande road.
The residents are complaining of the bad condition of the road, which they claim has paralysed transport in the area, hampering transport in the region.
The road has for long been used as a political campaign tool by politicians, who promise to tarmac it once elected but up end up doing nothing.
The residents are seeking for a quick solution to curb their problem during this rainy season begin, as the area is prone to floods.